Allora E coli water test kits | Water contaminated with bacteria is a major cause of water-borne diseases in humans. These include diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, paratyphoid, gastroenteritis and cholera.

E coli Water Test Kits
You generally don’t get to know that your water has bacteria in it until its too late. Those that source their water from untreated reserves such as dams, creeks, or rainwater tanks are always best to test your water to prevent illness or disease.
The Allora E coli water test kit simplifies water quality testing previously too difficult and expensive. In addition to this, there is no need to send samples to a lab for testing the quality of your drinking water. Easily determine the presence of E coli.
E coli water test kits are used for the following water sources.
- Swimming pools and spas
- Tap and portable water
- Water tanks, dams, wells and borehole water
- Effluent wastewater and industrial
What is E coli?
E coli (Escherichia coli) is generally a type of bacteria that indicates fecal contamination from warm-blooded animals, including humans. Certain strains of E coli are not dangerous and actually help us to digest nutrients in our digestive systems. Some strains of E coli can cause illnesses such as stomach cramps, severe watery diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, pneumonia and other serious illnesses. People with weak immune systems are at a higher risk of developing these complications—for instance, pregnant women, young children and older adults.
E coli contamination is not always noticeable straight away. The incubation period can last for 1 to 4 days, leading to mild symptoms that worsen over several days. These include stomach pains, non-bloody diarrhea and nausea.
E coli Infection Causes
E coli infection is caused by eating foods contaminated with the E coli bacteria or drinking water which has been infected. Some of the main reasons include the following.
- Preparing food with dirty utensils, equipment or dirty hands
- Eating foods that are not stored at the right temperature or not cooked correctly.
- Consuming raw seafood's or unpasteurized milk
- Contaminated water due to poor sanitation can cause bacteria from animal or human waste.
- Drinking water from a contaminated swimming pool
- Spread from one person to the next due to poor hygiene
E coli Test Kit Information
In summary, the E coli test kit is easy to use a test that takes 24 hours for a qualitative test and 48 hours for a quantitative test.
- E coli Test Kit Includes 2 x bacteria test vials.
- Indicator: Presence / Absence
- Test time: 24 hours (depending on temperature at time of test)
How to use the E coli test kit
Before taking this test, please read the full instructions that come with the E coli testing kit. Do not open the test vial until you are ready to test your water. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using this test kit.
- Remove the test vial cap and fill with 30ml of water.
- Tightly screw the cap on and shake well for 30 seconds or until the powder has dissolved.
- Sit the vial on a flat surface for 24 hours at temperatures between 20 to 35 degrees Celsius.
Incubation Period
Test results will take a minimum of 24 hours (+ - 2 hours) to complete incubation temperatures however and/or lower bacteria numbers may cause results to take up to 72 hours.
Store vial in an upright position (out of direct sunlight) until test result colours are evident. Shaking vial for 5-10 seconds every 8 to 12 hours can enhance colour development, but it is not required.
Match Results
After the incubation time has passed, your test results will be evident without opening the test vial. Match with the colour chart provided.
YELLOW = ABSENCE: This means a negative result for coliform bacteria if the sample inside the vial is clear or yellow. To confirm continuing your results continue the incubation period to 72 hours to confirm the bacteria's absence.
TEAL = PRESENCE: This means that your test is displaying a positive result for coliform bacteria. The colour and intensity may vary. If any shade in the colour spectrum of teal, blue or green exists at any time during the test period (between 24-72 hours), the test is complete.
In conclusion, if your E coli test kit has detected the bacteria's presence, we suggest contacting your local water board or city council. In the meantime, use bottled water and investigate any reasons why your water has been infected. To test your water use the E coli Water Testing Kit
For more information on E coli and Australian Drinking Water Quality, visit the Department Of Heath website in your area. E coli & Drinking Water Quality
- E coli Test Kit Includes 2 x bacteria test vials.
- Indicator: Presence / Absence
- Test time: 24 hours (depending on temperature at time of test)
How to use the E coli test kit
Before taking this test, please read the full instructions that come with the E coli testing kit. Do not open the test vial until you are ready to test your water. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using this test kit.
- Remove the test vial cap and fill with 30ml of water.
- Tightly screw the cap on and shake well for 30 seconds or until the powder has dissolved.
- Sit the vial on a flat surface for 24 hours at temperatures between 20 to 35 degrees Celsius.
Incubation Period
Test results will take a minimum of 24 hours (+ - 2 hours) to complete incubation temperatures however and/or lower bacteria numbers may cause results to take up to 72 hours.
Store vial in an upright position (out of direct sunlight) until test result colours are evident. Shaking vial for 5-10 seconds every 8 to 12 hours can enhance colour development, but it is not required.
Match Results
After the incubation time has passed, your test results will be evident without opening the test vial. Match with the colour chart provided.
YELLOW = ABSENCE: This means a negative result for coliform bacteria if the sample inside the vial is clear or yellow. To confirm continuing your results continue the incubation period to 72 hours to confirm the bacteria's absence.
TEAL = PRESENCE: This means that your test is displaying a positive result for coliform bacteria. The colour and intensity may vary. If any shade in the colour spectrum of teal, blue or green exists at any time during the test period (between 24-72 hours), the test is complete.
In conclusion, if your E coli test kit has detected the bacteria's presence, we suggest contacting your local water board or city council. In the meantime, use bottled water and investigate any reasons why your water has been infected. To test your water use the E coli Water Testing Kit
For more information on E coli and Australian Drinking Water Quality, visit the Department Of Heath website in your area. E coli & Drinking Water Quality